How to manage Cart Settings?

How to manage Cart Settings?

As a restaurant owner, you have to offer many features to your customers for example the ordering services like Pickup and Delivery which they are vital these days for any food ordering.

In addition, you want to put many regulations and policies ahead for the Cart and your customers should be aware of their billing details in their final receipt too. Most of countries have their fixed VAT (Value-Added Tax) for any businesses transactions. So, combining those policies and your customer inquiries in the Cart settings in Fooder Lite as we are going to see below is a relief.

Even though, Fooder Lite will offer you as an Admin to configure and set a flat or fixed fees for the Delivery Services you will offer.

Login to your account in Fooder Lite and from the dashboard you can see those options as shared with a screenshot below:
1) Go to Settings
2) Go to Cart Settings
3) Ordering Services (Pickup and Delivery)
4) VAT options for the Order Total and Delivery Fees
5) Delivery Service with it's flat vs. fixed fees.

You can enable the Pickup and Delivery services as shared in the screenshot below:
1) Toggle the buttons inside the red boxes, then they will turn into green color.
2) A message will popup on top telling that those features have been enabled successfully.

Next, You can set the VAT for the Order Total and Delivery Fees as shared in the screenshot below:

1) Click on the Edit button, to release the fields

You can set the fields as shown in the screenshot below:
1) Enter the VAT for the Order Total, or you can enter 0 if you are not willing to.
2) Enter the VAT for the Delivery Fees, or you can enter 0 if you are not have a VAT for Delivery services.
3) Click on the Save button to save the changes.

A message will popup on top telling that those features have been enabled successfully.

Lastly, we are going to take a look at the Delivery Services Fees. Using the screenshot below:
1) Click on the Edit button, to release the fields.

After the fields got released:
1) You can pick from one of the Fees Types (Fixed vs. Flat), we are going to choose Fixed Fees for this step
2) Using the Fixed Fees, you have to setup the Delivery Area as show with number (2) and the Area Cost as shown with number (3)
4) You can add new areas
5) Click on the Save button to save the changes
optionally, you can Delete an area with that basket button pointed with the black arrow.

Picking the Flat Fees type for your Delivery services will only allow you to enter the Delivery Fees as shown with number (2) in the screenshot below. Then, you should Save the changes as pointed with number (3)

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